What’s a Cosmic Curriculum?

Greetings friends,

Happy Equinox and welcome to Aries Season! Aries is the first sign of the zodiac so this is the Astrological New Year.

Aries is a cardinal, fire sign ruled by Mars, which makes this the season of initiation, risk-taking, and creative adventures. Pluto, our cosmic evolutionary bulldozer, also makes its first dip into Aquarius this week, which is likely to add to the drama or excitement, depending on your perspective.

I, for what it’s worth, have decided to be excited and take a leap. My friend, Denise Ulett of Stars Align Astrology, and I spent last week on an astrology retreat in the Coachella Valley putting the finishing touches on our new venture.

And today, we are releasing our first episode
of the
Cosmic Curriculum podcast.

Before we are born, we enroll in a cosmic curriculum for our time here on Earth. We sign up for classes and learn from various teachers throughout our lives. The stars reflect that journey and give us a way to navigate and maximize the work we are here to do.

On the Cosmic Curriculum, Denise and I will walk you through the lessons we are learning and seeing around us from the planetary transits and invite you to join us as we think about strategies to best use the energy coming our way.

Please listen, like, subscribe, and share!

Up Coming Energy

March 21, New Moon in Aries conjunct Neptune and Mercury, sextile Pluto, and square Mars. This is a moon to bring dreams into reality. If you are inclined to do new moon rituals, this is the moon.

March 23, Pluto enters Aquarius. Pluto moves slowly, so expect some unsteadiness in the days before and after. Pluto reforms and realigns everything in its wake. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius, the United States and France were forming new governments after our respective revolutions.

March 25, Mars moves into Cancer. This wouldn’t be all that amazing if Mars hadn't spent the last 7 months in Gemini. It will be nice for Mars to work on some new projects.

March 28, Mercury and Jupiter meet in Aries. Mercury and Jupiter meet every year, but when the two come together, especially in Aries, expect some big ideas and optimistic thoughts.

March 30, Venus meets Uranus in Taurus. Venus represents our values and relationships. Uranus is a change agent. This is an annual transit that could bring some surprise encounters. Say yes!

April 3, Mercury enters Taurus and slows down to enjoy the journey. Think about what is beautiful and stable. Mercury in Taurus can also be related to money.

The Full Moon in Libra is on April 5. I will be back in your inbox then!

Happy spring,


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If you are looking for a sign, this is it