What are you doing here?

Greetings friends,

Welcome to the first eclipse portals of 2023! Eclipses happen twice a year, about six months apart. Eclipses usually come in pairs, with the new moon and the full moon, but sometimes we can have three eclipses in a row.

Eclipses happen when the sun and moon come within a few degrees of the lunar nodes, or the place in the sky where the sun’s perceived path and the moon’s perceived path around the Earth meet. We see eclipses on Earth when the sun is shadowed by the moon, or the moon is shadowed by the Earth. We typically only think about eclipses when we can see them where we live, but they are actually regular features in the sky.

Today, let’s talk about the lunar nodes.

We have a north node and a south node, and the nodes spend about eighteen months in each pair of signs.

In Western astrology, we think of the south node in our birth chart as the wisdom and baggage we bring into the world. Some say these come from past lives, but as with everything, take what works and leave the rest.

The north node is considered the direction we are moving in this lifetime, or our destiny, if you will.

In our culture, we sometimes think of the north node as “good” and the south node as “bad”. However, I encourage you not to think of the nodes as black or white. Instead, think of them as a duality that we are here to learn to hold.

If your nodes are in Aries and Libra, you are working on the balance between individuation and relationships.

If your nodes are in Taurus and Scorpio, you are working on balancing what you collect and what you release.

If your nodes are in Gemini and Sagittarius, you are working on balancing what you know and what you believe.

If your nodes are in Cancer and Capricorn, you are working to balance family and societal responsibilities.

If your nodes are in Leo and Aquarius, you are working on balancing your personal needs with your need to be part of a community.

If your nodes are in Virgo and Pisces, you are working on balancing the need to analyze and discern with the need to sacrifice for the greater good.

If you want to dig deeper, look at the houses your nodes are in and look at any planets that are conjunct or squaring your nodes. Those relationships will help you define the meanings and messages the nodes have for you.

And if you want to dig even deeper, tune into the Cosmic Curriculum on April 17. Our next episode will be about eclipses and what it all means.

May you shine your light onto the world in the most amazing ways,

Please join me!

Tuesday, April 18 Tea and Tarot Meet Up at Pure Being

Thursday, May 4, Embodying the Energy of Beltane at Pure Being (details to come)

And don't forget about 
The Cosmic Curriculum with Denise Ulett from Stars Align Astrology. We talk about the cosmic teachers and lessons we are learning here on Earth.


Is it time to get unstuck?


What’s a Cosmic Curriculum?