If you are looking for a sign, this is it

Greetings friends,

Every year there is a transit that all astrologers are looking to. This year, it is here. We have both a full moon and Saturn enters Pisces on Tuesday, March 7.

Full moons illuminate and ripen. This full moon is in Virgo, the cosmic alchemist who knows what is essential to achieve any goal. The moon is reflecting the light of the Sun in Pisces, the boundary dissolving, cosmic consciousness raising last sign of the zodiac. In short, there is magic afoot.

The Virgo full moon is always a special time of year, but it is made even more so this year as Saturn joins the Sun in Pisces. Saturn is our firm teacher planet, the one who makes us follow the rules and work up to our potential.

So what can you expect during this patch of sky? Well, the firm teacher will likely change the curriculum. For some of us, that might be stressful. Saturn has had a pretty tight hold for the last five years. When it enters Pisces, that hold will loosen. You can fight to maintain control. Or you can open your hands and your heart and see what comes up. Let the boundaries soften. What do you see and feel when you aren’t holding on so tight?

Saturn was last in Pisces from 1993-1996. If you are over 30, you may revisit some of those themes. It won’t be the same, of course. You have 30 years of life and learning to draw on this time around. But think back to what was happening to know what areas of your life may be affected.

Saturn will be in Pisces through the beginning of 2026.

Upcoming Classes

March 22 @ Pure Being Urbana: Embodying the Energy of Spring
March 25 @ Pure Being Urbana:
Gardening with the Moon
April 11 @ Pure Being Urbana: Tea and Tarot (details to come)
May @ Parkland Community College:
Introduction to Intuitive Eating
And monthly starting in May at the Urbana Farmer’s Market


What’s a Cosmic Curriculum?


Be gentle with yourself