What do you want to grow?

Greetings friends,

I hope Sunday’s Leo full moon infused you with shiny, exciting energy.

All of the planets are direct in the sky right now and Jupiter in Aries is bringing all the ideas.  Are you feeling it? I am. I feel like there are so many cool and amazing opportunities floating around right now. Maybe too many?

Of course, we all feel the energy differently depending on where we are in our journey, Maybe you are feeling overwhelmed, or indecisive, or perhaps even cranky. Whatever way this energy is showing up for you, February is a good month to think about what it is you want to grow this spring. Or, equally important, what you don’t want to grow. 

As several great thinkers have said, “Where attention goes energy flows.”

I am trying to pause frequently and ask myself about how an idea feels in my body. Does it make my heart flutter? Does it make my stomach drop? Or is it just neutral? And I give that idea the amount and type of energy that matches how I feel about it. Maybe easier said than done, but I know I can’t do it all.

Come May when Jupiter goes into Taurus, we are going to have the opportunity to plant and tend to a few of the opportunities that are coming in right now. If you can figure out which ideas you want to plant now, you will be ahead of the game.

Let me know if you have a story to share about how you are making the most of this cosmic tide.

Upcoming Energy

February 7, Mercury leaves its retrograde shadow. Whatever Mercurial projects you were working on in January should be over and done with. We are on to the new ideas.

February 10, Mercury and Pluto meet in Capricorn. This happens every year, but as Pluto gets to the end of its time in Capricorn, the meet-ups are more potent. Your Capricorn shadows are going to come out.

February 11, Mercury moves into Aquarius, where it invites us to think about human nature with a little detachment and be open-minded but decisive in our decision-making. 

February 15, Venus meets Neptune in Pisces, which is about the best Valentine’s Day week transit any of us could ask for. This year, connect with your heart instead of your head.

February 16, the Sun meets Saturn in Aquarius, which might feel like a hard reality check after the Venus-Neptune meet-up or it could be a way to bring the longings of the heart into the 3-D world.

February 18, the Sun goes into Pisces, where it follows Venus’s lead and hopefully helps make those heart connections a reality.

February 20, the Moon is new in Pisces and Venus slides into Aries, which will potentially give way to open, honest communication about how to live into the dream. More on that as it gets closer.

Wishing you clarity on the path,


Be gentle with yourself


Let the fun begin!