Be gentle with yourself

Greetings friends,

The new moon in Pisces is here and it heralds some big energetic shifts. March is arguably the most astrologically significant month of 2023 with seven planets changing signs, including Saturn’s transition into Pisces and Pluto’s first dip into Aquarius. When we have that much change, things can feel pretty intense.
That makes self-care paramount for this lunar cycle. If your tank is full it is much easier to handle any potential shifts that may come your way.

For the next 2-3 years, I think the Pisces placement in your chart will likely feel the most change. Pisces is deeply spiritual, creative, and feeling, but often hard to pin down. Based on your rising sign, here is how you might work with the energy.

Aries Rising

I invite you to focus inward for the time being. What needs to be cleared away because it no longer serves you? Don’t judge. Simply take stock and release what is ready to go. If you do this cleanup work over the next few years, you will reap the rewards.

Taurus Rising

This is a time to find your tribe or step up your interactions with them so that you can achieve your individual and collective goals. This could also be a time when the things you have been hoping and wishing for start to bear fruit, especially if you do them in and for the greater good.

Gemini Rising

This is a time of opportunity and perhaps increased responsibilities in the outer world. If you have done your work in the last several years, you are likely to see rewards for your efforts. Don’t forget your personal life, though. In all things, balance is important.

Cancer Rising

Is it time for a long trip, either an actual one or an internal leap into the unknown? This is a time when new discoveries about yourself and the mysteries of life are ripe for exploration. What can you learn that will help to raise your vibration?

Leo Rising

This might be the time to focus on the resources you share with others, like your house or business. Understanding what you value is important. And it is equally important to understand what other people value so that you can make the best decisions all the way around.

Virgo Rising

Your committed relationships – marriages, close friendships, or business partnerships– may take more of your time and focus than usual. After several years of internal journeying, it is time to understand and perhaps renegotiate your agreements with the most important people in your life.

Libra Rising

Your body is a sacred tool that lets you actualize your dreams. It is especially important now to treat your body well. Get enough sleep, eat the right foods, and try not to put your energy into places it doesn’t belong. If you take care of yourself now, your body will reward you with the stamina to do the amazing things you have in mind in the future.

Scorpio Rising

This is a time when your hard work may start to pay off. Your creativity and passion may be high right now and you will probably have more discipline than you have had in the past to bring that creativity to life. But this isn’t a great time to take risks or expect something for nothing. Slow and steady wins the race.

Sagittarius Rising

This is a time to think about building a stable foundation. You might literally be thinking about where you live, but you also might be thinking about what you need in place to support your ambitions. You might have some reshuffling to do, or you might need a complete demo and rebuild. Whatever you do, doing it well will support you for years to come.

Capricorn Rising

You are probably starting to think about things differently. Old patterns and habits may not serve you anymore. It might be frustrating at first. Can you invite in new ways of thinking so that it will better serve the new potential you are starting to envision?

Aquarius Rising

Now is a time to think about what you value. Not just the material possessions, but what you value intellectually, spiritually, and in the people in your life. Sometimes material possessions can keep us from discovering what we truly value, so consider how things or money might be blocking your growth.

Pisces Rising

This is the beginning of a new internal journey. It’s a time to celebrate your past successes and begin to think about what you are done with and what you don’t want to continue. You might get to make that decision yourself, or the Universe might give you a push. Either way, this is a time to focus on you and what you need to release to make room for the new.

Wishing you beauty and joy in life!


If you are looking for a sign, this is it


What do you want to grow?