Let the fun begin!

Greetings friends,

Happy lunar new year! This is thought to be one of the most auspicious new moons of the year, both because it is the first new moon since the Winter Solstice and because, this year, the aspects will give you some juicy energy to work with for the next 30 days.

The placement of the planets on a new moon speaks to the rhythm and energy of the month.

This new moon is in Aquarius, which is a place in our chart that has been active over the last two years as Saturn, the planet of boundaries and stability, has been passing through, and will be active for the next 20 years as Pluto, the great transformer, will be entering for the first time in March. Aquarius is a social sign and might speak to your humanitarian visions and desire to recognize everyone for their unique gifts. It can also be the place where you feel like an outsider or where you stand to the side and just watch. Look in your chart to see which house Aquarius is in to know what parts of your life this energy will show up in.

This year, the Aquarius new moon is sextile Jupiter, the planet of optimism and expansion, and Juno, the asteroid goddess of marriage. Jupiter and Juno together speak to new or expanded relationship dynamics and the sextile to the new moon makes it even sweeter. As this is happening, Venus also meets Saturn. That means anything that comes this month has a high chance of being practical, stable, and long-lived. Look for your Aries house to see how this piece of the puzzle might mesh with the Aquarius topics.

As always, remember that you are complex and this energy will show up differently for everyone. Regardless of how it develops, see what comes this month and embrace it.

Upcoming Energy

January 22, Uranus stations to go direct. Through April, all of the planets in the heavens are moving forward. If you have been stuck, the blocks might finally fall away.

January 26, Venus goes into Pisces. This is possibly one of Venus’s favorite places in the chart. The love goddess takes it up a notch to agape, or the highest form of love. As Venus goes through Pisces, see where your heart is leading you.

January 29, Mercury trines Uranuswhich could bring new ideas or maybe ways to talk about the things you have been pondering.

February 4, Venus squares Mars, initiating the final phase of the dance between desire and action that started in February of last year.

February 5, the moon will be full in Leo. More on that next time.

Enjoy the ride!


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