Shine your light

Happy Gemini New Moon! And Happy June Solstice!

In the northern hemisphere, June 21 is the longest day of the year and one of the key turning points. We tend to celebrate the December solstice with more intention, but the June solstice is no less significant.

This is the point in the year to shine. The first half of the year is about planning and planting your metaphorical garden. Now is the time to share what you are growing with the world. Traditional solstice celebrations would probably have included a big feast and a bonfire, not totally unlike the 4th of July in the United States.

I invite you to use this time of year to reflect on the intentions you set out at the beginning of the year. Some might be long forgotten, but what remains? As the Sun enters Cancer on June 21, we begin the shift from planting and growing to harvesting, storing, and eventually composting the things we no longer need.  

Where can you shine and what can you share?

What things will be finished and ready to release come the fall?

What feels too crowded and in need of some pruning?

If you are in the mood for a Solstice Celebration and astrological planning for the rest of the year, please consider joining me on June 22 at Pure Being in Urbana for releasing, clearing, and intension setting. We will also be making essential oil blends to help you keep your promises to yourself.. More information here!

Upcoming Energy

June 17’sNew Moon in Geminipromises to let us contemplate the connections between our rational mind and our dreams or ideals.  Watch for the themes that come up. Saturn also stations to go retrograde today. Saturn retrogrades aren’t the same as Mercury, Venus, or Mars retrogrades, but the turning points usually shine a light on things we need to fix.

June 19, Jupiter sextiles the Sun in a supportive aspect that help us build a dream.

June 21, the Sun enters Cancer and we celebrate the Solstice. Join me at Pure Being!

June 25, Mercury squares Neptunegiving us more time to explore the rational versus the emotional. Watch out for gossip.

June 26, Mars squares Uranus. This is potentially a challenging aspect. It can be confrontational or even explosive. Venus is close behind Mars, so that may soften the energy, but expect the unexpected.

On July 3, the moon is Full in Capricorn. More on that as we get closer.


What do you love?


Are you breathing easier?