What do you love?

Happy Full Moon in Capricorn!

This is a moon that invites you to explore the balance between your ambition and self-sufficiency and your willingness to be vulnerable and emotionally expressive.

This is an apt start to the themes of July and really the rest of the summer. Venus will go retrograde in Leo on July 22, making this a summer to explore how you love yourselves, what you value and put your energy and time toward, and how your relationships feed your souls or drain your energy.

This summer, I invite you to explore the themes of the Leo house in your chart and take a long, deep look at the things that you are spending time or money on. Are they still the right things? And if not, how can you shift so that you are spending time and money on things that do matter?

If you are curious about how to use this summer to the fullest, Denise Ulett from Stars Align Astrology and I have put together a new offering for people interested in working with the upcoming Venus retrograde.  You can find the details here!

Upcoming Energy

July 3, the Full Moon in Capricorn invites us to balance grounded practicality with vulnerability.

July 9,Mercury trines Neptunebringing the collective consciousness into your thoughts and ideas for the great good.

July 10,Mars goes into Virgo(time to clean up the metaphorical mess) and Mercury goes into Leo (be loud and proud!).

July 17, theNew Moon in Canceropposite Pluto in Capricorn could let us think about our role in power dynamics in a new way.

Also, on July 17, theNodes of Fate move in Aries and Librashifting our soul’s compass from recycling and growth to the balance between our entrepreneurial spirit and our commitment to others.


Are you living intentionally?


Shine your light