Embracing the Energy of 2023

Energetic Themes of 2023

In every year, there are energetic themes that guide your life both personally and collectively. Understanding those themes and bringing them into your body through practices like yoga, meditation, journaling, and other forms of grounding, can help you hear your inner wisdom and understand how you can work with the Universe to co-create the next chapters of your life. Things don’t always flow as you expect or want but cultivating the practice of “listening with the ears of your heart” can help you see how to navigate and thrive.

2023 is a threshold year. The energy in the last few years has been prompting you to revise and replace the things that no longer work for you. In 2023, you will have access to a few more tools to help you rebuild.  Here are a few themes that you will be invited to work with.

·     Learning to trust your intuition

·     Getting comfortable with the uncomfortable

·     Finding the right tribe

·     Leaning into your values to help guide your actions

·     Trusting the process, even if it feels slow

Energy through the Months

2023 will bring several major archetypal shifts that will likely feel very different than the past few years. The energy will shift and open throughout the year, giving you different work to do and things to focus on as you go.

January will start slowly. You may feel a desire to act quickly but be open to shifting perspectives based on new information or changes of heart. Don’t be too quick to lock anything into place until at least January 18. People and opportunities are likely to come up from unexpected places, and the first offer might not be the best one. Take your time.

February is a time to clarify your values and explore what is most important to you and the work that is most important for you. There might be a lot of new ideas or opportunities. You can’t do them all well, so meditating on what is most important will help you set the stage to grow what is most meaningful to you.

March is arguably one of the most important months of the year. It might feel a little like you can’t quite find your footing. Healthy boundaries will be important and understanding what is yours to do, and what is best left to others, will help you know which steps to take. If you were alive between 1993 and 1996, think back to the themes you were grappling with. Some of those themes may reappear for you to work through in new ways.

March-May will also give you a taste of the work you will be doing for the next 20 years in society and as an individual. Look for opportunities to understand and use your personal power constructively and for the highest good. If your current tribe isn’t quite the right fit anymore, are there other groups that align better with the most authentic version of yourself? Don’t rush to lock in.  This is just the opening chapter of what will be a much longer story.

April is likely to bring some potential leaps forward or other changes you have been working towards. There might be lots of ideas coming your way. Ground and remember your values as you make decisions and form alignments.

May is the time to get to work. Starting May 16 and lasting through the summer of 2024 the energy will be ripe for you to plant your seeds of intention and gently and slowly care for them. For those who loved the fast pace at the beginning of the year, this may feel very slow and possibly boring. But if you dig in and tend your garden, the growth can be exponential.

June-September might send you back to finish the work of the last couple of years. After the forward motion of the spring, it might not be a welcome shift, but it will be important for your soul’s growth to clean up the loose ends. This stretch will also potentially give you glimpses of places where you don’t feel recognized or aren’t able to speak your truth. It is a time to focus on what you are here to do and not lose sight of the larger, longer-lasting goals. Loyalty to your soul’s mission will serve you well, even if it feels like you aren’t getting any traction with other people.

October will bring the chance to master self-love. Obstacles might come in to test your compassion for yourself. You might want to please everyone else, but ultimately, this is a time to remember that making choices in alignment with your higher calling is the path to not only personal healing but healing the world.

November and December might open the doors to progress again, with a broader, more well-reasoned perspective after the inner work of the summer and early fall.  You will likely end the year with deeper illumination around your heart’s path and how all you have learned in 2023 will help propel you forward into the new year.

Want more? Download my full 2023 Guide. Here is a guide to house meanings if you need it.


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