Before you make your New Year’s Resolutions…

Greetings friends,

Happy New Moon in Capricorn and Solstice blessings. 

We are officially in Capricorn season. Capricorn is cardinal (initiating) earth (tangible and practical) energy. For many of us, that translates into setting goals and mapping out how we want to move forward in 2023.

However, Capricorn energy is also yin, receptive energy. People with strong Capricorn are often organized, ambitious, and “go-getters” on the outside. But that is just the outward manifestation of what is actually a very internal, introspective sign. Capricorn energy lets us hear the heartbeat of the earth if we stop and listen.

So in this time when we are called to plan and organize, I invite you to first turn inward and “listen with the ears of your heart.” Instead of outwardly focused, yang resolutions (“I will finally get organized!” “I will exercise more!”), sit with yourself for a bit and listen for your inner longing and wisdom. Perhaps make resolutions based on the values you want to embrace or the way you want to feel at the end of the year. The how-to steps will come in time. And they will be more meaningful if they mesh with your inner knowing.

Upcoming Energy

What will 2023 hold? Check out my full-year forecast here.

December 23, Chiron stations to go direct. This probably won’t be a big, external shift but look for a place in your life where you feel vulnerable. Is there a way to embrace that vulnerability such that it can help you heal?

December 24 through January 2, Mercury and Venus are having a conversation with Neptunethat might let us put words to our dream and aspirations.

December 29, Mercury stations to go retrograde. This will invite us to revise the Capricorn areas of our charts and is an even more important reason to keep those New Year’s Resolutions fluid through January. New ideas may come up that are even better.

Also on December 29, Venus and Mercury meetin the sky. You might even be able to see them just after sunset. The two of them are always relatively close but have been meeting frequently the past few months and giving us the opportunity to reassess our ideas and values.

December 31, Venus meets Plutofor the last time in Capricorn. As we close out Pluto’s time in Capricorn, are there structures or patterns in your life that can benefit from Venus’s harmony and relationship-building skills?

January 2, Venus enters Aquarius. Venus is serving as the messenger for Pluto who will enter Aquarius in March. Consider your tribe and how they can help you explore the gifts you have to share with the world.

The full moon in Cancerwill be on January 6.

Until then, may the return of the light illuminate you in magical ways!


Embracing the Energy of 2023