Are health and wellness is on your list for 2023?

Greetings friends,

Happy New Year and happy Full Moon in Cancer, a few days late.

If improving your health and well-being is on your list for 2023, did you know astrology can help? I follow a practice called Intuitive Eating that invites you to trust your body rather than outsourcing to an external set of rules. And your natal astrology can be a great first step when you are learning what works for you. 

The Moon in your chart describes your emotions and what makes you feel secure. There are lots of factors to consider, but here are some ideas about how your lunar placement may relate to your wellness practices.

  • If you have an earthy moon (Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn), you might seek practical, grounded actions and prioritize food that tastes good. Earthy moons like some rules and structure so perhaps give yourself some supportive, loving guidelines based on science from places like the Center for Science in the Public Interest.

  • If you have a watery moon (Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces), your intuition is strong and it is really important to think about emotional health when you think about your physical health. Check out Dr. Drew Ramsey’s work on the connections between food and mental health.

  • If you have a fiery moon (Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius), your practice needs to give you enough freedom to be you. Don’t confine yourself to what other people think you should do. Be innovative and imaginative. Christy Harrison hosts a podcast called Food Psych and has written a book called The Anti-Diet that might be appealing.

  • If you have an airy moon (Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius), your practice may benefit when you connect to other people and new ideas. The Blue Zone is a great resource for creating a healthy community around wellness.

If you want to go a little deeper, consider the sign on the cusp (at the beginning) of your 2nd house. The second house describes your relationship to resources and things you value, including food. Your Cancer and Virgo placements and houses can also help you create an intuitive eating practice.

Upcoming Energy

January 12, Mars stations to go direct in Gemini. Mars has been in Gemini since the summer and retrograde since October. Once Mars goes direct, you might finally get some traction on some of the renewed ideas that have come up.

January 18, Mercury stations to go direct in Capricorn. I asked you to keep your resolutions fluid in January, but once Mercury goes direct, you can feel free to finalize your plans.

January 18, the Sun also meets Pluto in Capricorn. Pluto shows you the shadow side of life to help you become more authentically yourself. It is finishing up its time in the sign of structure and tradition. The light might shine on something that you haven’t been ready to deal with.

January 20, the Sun goes into Aquarius, moving our focus to new ideas and recognition of everyone’s individual contribution to the whole.

January 21, we have a new Moon in Aquarius. It comes with some lovely expansive, optimistic, and relationship energy. More on that next time.

Wishing you health and wellness,


Let the fun begin!


Embracing the Energy of 2023