The Rest of the Story: July-December Astrology

Happy Solstice and Full Moon in Capricorn!

We have reached a critical turning point in the year. The Sun is as high in the sky as it gets in the Northern Hemisphere and today is the longest day of the year. Every day forward, until we reach the December solstice, will be slightly shorter.

This is a time to shine your light and celebrate abundance, clarity, prosperity, and wholeness. During this time when the sun is high in the sky, your invitation is to be visible and share your gifts with the world.

This is also a time when I like to review the first half of the year and revisit the astrology for the 2nd half of the year in light of what has happened so far.

In most years, the solstice is a turning point and this year it is particularly true. Since January, Pluto re-entered Aquarius, an eclipse bisected the country, Jupiter and Uranus met and expanded our horizons, and Jupiter moving into Gemini. The theme has been about bringing in the new.

The second half of the year looks like it will feel less expansive and future-oriented and will be more about cleaning up and clearing out the old so we can slowly move into the new. Pluto re-enters Capricorn in September and spends a few months finishing up the work being done in that part of your chart since about 2009. Eclipse season will begin with a taste of the Virgo-Pisces axis in our charts and end by revisiting the Aries-Libra dynamics. Finally, we end the year with a Mercury retrograde and then a Mars retrograde.

If you want dates and details, I compiled them for you on YouTube. See below.

If you want the short and sweet summary:
Expect the 2nd half of 2024 to be heavier and slower than the first half. Expect to revise and revisit old themes and to finish any work you haven’t fully integrated. Be patient and thoughtful, especially if things feel stalled, and be sure you fill your cup first.

May your solstice be filled with love and light.

Transits month by month so you can plan!


Astrology and Tarot Horoscopes


Gemini New Moon Readings