New Moon in Capricorn

Happy New Moon in Capricorn!

This moon is all about sharing your New Year’s intentions with the cosmos. I am not talking about the overly strict or harsh external resolutions that you are likely to abandon by February. I am talking about using this yin, earthy energy to listen to your heart’s desires and invite the Universe to help you work into them.

Here are some of the kinds of questions you might answer with your intentions:

  • How do I want to feel at the end of the year?

  • What are my core values and how can I live into them this year?

  • What can I do to find more joy, peace, or love this year?

  • If I was being my most authentic self, what would that look like?

I encourage you to leave your intentions broad and a little unfocused. Let your subconscious chew on them for a bit without laying out a six-step plan of action. See what comes up and what you can invite it. When a choice does come your way, go back to your intentions. Does whatever has been offered support your intentions for the year? If not, pass on it and expect that something more aligned will come. Trust the process.

If you are ready to give intention setting a try, I recommend some mediation, a little journalling, and maybe a tarot or oracle card pull. You don’t have to do it all at once. You can let ideas seep in between now and the full moon on January 25.

Once you have committed your intentions to paper, be sure to put them in a place where you can be reminded of them throughout the year. I like to tuck mine in a special envelope and review them every few months throughout the year. It is amazing how, without pushing, I end up living into my intention.

Best wishes and much love.

Where you can find me

January 25:Virtual Astrology Meet-Up: Astrology of February
I host a monthly virtual astrology meet-up to talk about the energy of the coming month and ways to work with it. It’s free. Sign uphereand I will add you to the email list with each month’s time and link.
January 28:The Mystical School of Moon Magic at Pure Being Urbana
Over the course of 6 classes learn how to incorporate ritual into your life and practice with other like-minded people. You will come away with lots of ideas and a kit with tools to help you create your own rituals.
January 30:Introduction to Healing Herbs at Parkland Community College
A 2-hour introduction to the healing benefits of herbs and how to incorporate them into your life. Come home with an herbal remedy based on your goals.
February TBD: Introduction to Intuitive Tarot virtual class
Over five weeks we will discuss what tarot is and how to use it in your life. More information available soon. Reply to this email if you want to know when the details are available.

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