Making changes that last

Greetings friends,

Happy new moon in Taurus! Taurus season is all about cultivating what we have planted and holding space for beauty and calm. To honor that I have two offerings for you.

First, I created this short video on working with the lunar cycle when making lifestyle changes. Working with the Moon is magical in so many ways and a powerful ally.

Second, Lisa Haake and I are piloting a program to support you as you make health and wellbeing changes. It’s called Wellness Wednesdays. We will meet for 4 weeks (on Wednesday) at 5:30 starting May 31 to help you build habits that support your intentions. You can learn all about it here and of course, I am happy to answer any questions. Just reply to this email.

Upcoming energy

May 19  the Moon is New in Taurus! There are no overly harsh aspects to the Sun or Moon this month, so this might be the month to grow and cultivate the seeds you have been planting.

May 20 Mars enters Leo, opposes Pluto, and approaches a square with Jupiter. This is an intense aspect with the potential to stir some passions. It could also bring up your deep sense of idealism or maybe illuminate some synergetic gifts. Use this one wisely. We will be feeling its effects for a while.

May 21 the Sun moves into Gemini. Gemini season is about ideas and conversation. It is about playfulness and exploration. There is a lot of inflexible energy in the sky right now, so let the Sun help you loosen up a little.

May 28 the Sun squares Saturn. This happens about 4 times per year and helps us explore our responsibilities and self-discipline.

On June 3, the Moon is full in Sagittarius. More about that part of the cycle as we get closer.

In the meantime, cultivate the seeds of your intentions!



Are you breathing easier?


Time for a Cosmic Gut Check