Happy New Year! (Seriously! Hear Me Out!)

Happy New Year!

We just celebrated Samhain, now called Halloween, which marked the Celtic New Year.

Most creation stories, like the beginning of a new year, start with dark and quiet before they move into the light and noise. So, most creation stories start with Scorpio season.

We sometimes forget that darkness and silence aren’t empty. It’s in the quiet and dark that we are most receptive to our higher wisdom and inner creative genius. We need the dark so that we know what to bring out into the light.

Let yourself begin by composting the feelings, habits, or beliefs that no longer serve you. Let yourself start by sitting in a little discomfort to see if you can hear your heart’s desire. And remember that your heart’s desire isn’t always what you “should” do or what is “expected” of you. But it might be the thing that sets you free.

So happy New Year. I look forward to hearing how it goes for you.


P.S. You can always book reading here to find out how the energy will land for you.

SOFT OPENING! If you are curious about how to incorporate ritual into your life, please join us for this intimate celebration of the Moon. No experience necessary. Expect a little ceremony, some meditative movement, and some creative expression. You will take home something uniquely yours to remind you of the evening and your intentions. 

Sunday November 26 from 7-8:30. $15.
Register here.


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